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Projar, since 1983 as a provider of solutions for fruit trees

Stockosorb is a water retainer, specific for use in agriculture, which reduces the frequency of irrigation and the amount of fertilizers

05/04/2023 Author: PROJAR

The company in the green sector, Projar, has been marketing the Stockosorb water-retaining hydrogel for years, which acts as a reserve of available water for plants. This hydrogel retains water and nutrients in soils and substrates and releases them according to the needs of the plant. Depending on the quality of the water , one kilogram of product can absorb and release up to 250 liters of water , so you can achieve reductions in irrigation frequency of up to 50% , also reducing the amount of fertilizers.

Projar Retainer Hydrogel is an acrylamide-free, potassium-based homo-polymer that is environmentally safe and biodegradable. This product is used both in new plantations and in those already established in the agricultural, landscaping and gardening sectors.

Its use is recommended whenever it is necessary to optimize the use of water, such as in cases of rainfed crops, irrigated land with irrigation limitations or in soils with little water retention capacity. It is also recommended in reforestation, potted plants that have prolonged periods without being able to be watered or planting of non-automated green areas in which it is interesting to reduce the frequency of irrigation and save labor. Ideal for areas with water scarcity or affected by drought.

Stockosorb, allows optimal development of plants, prolonging their life cycle. Being a specific water retainer for agriculture, the return of water to the plant is very easy.

In addition, it does not lose its water absorption capacity after periods of drought, a characteristic of Stockosorb is its rapid rehydration capacity, even after total dehydration. The hydrogel maintains approximately 75-60% of its capacity for absorption and return of water and nutrients for a period of 2 to 3 years .