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Bioris - Hefe Fertilizantes


6 Products

Products for plants preservation and treatmentGo back to menu
Bio-stimulant Hefesum Cold Press

It acts as a bio-stimulant, anti stress and soil conditioner... more

Fertilizer HeFeGel

Formulation enhances a regulate blossom... more

Fertilizer Cal Inn

This fertilizer is recommended as a corrector for calcium ... more

Fertilizer Grande

It is chelated by natural way without hormones so leaves no waste and expiration... more

Fertilizer Maxi Grain 15

Fertilizer works Biostimulating by Zinc and Manganese which is ideal when plants consume more...... more

Fertilizer Nauta

It acts as a Bio-stimulant, Balancing, Anti-stress,Nutrition Regulator and Vegetable Protector... more