Professional Web Portal and Printed Directory about Companies, Products and Services from the Horticulture, Gardening and Associated Markets.

Floramedia España y Portugal

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28 Products

Ornamental plantsGo back to menu
Sustainable materials for plant labels

The green alternative to the plastic labels traditional... more

Labelling, packing and identificationGo back to menu
Etiquetas para plantas con fragancia

Conoce las etiquetas para plantas especiales de “estimulación sensorial” de Floramedia producidas...... more


Attractive presentation for potted trees... more

FM 100

Etiquette 100% recycled plastic... more

Custom Labels

Custom Solutions for labeling your plants... more

Packaging and presentation

Complete solutions for packaging and presentation of any products, seeds, roses, fruit trees,...... more

Super Labels

More than labels... more

Lenticular Labels

Communication on the move... more

Label with invisible security mark

Labels with added value... more


The ideal support for your product information... more

Etiquetas para frutal con forma de frutas

Vestimos tus plantas con unas coloridas y grandes etiquetas con la forma del fruto... more

Láminas de bulbos de flor y hortícolas (Cromos)

En Floramedia somos especialistas en el diseño de packaging. Creamos conceptos únicos para...... more

Etiquetas para plantas de rápida disponibilidad

Nuestras etiquetas para plantas de stock están siempre disponibles a través de nuestra tienda...... more

Plant Cover

Plant cover to promote and protect it at the point of sale.... more

Floraqua material for plant labels

Labels made with Floraqua can be thrown into the paper bin... more

Sobres de semillas

Diseñamos y fabricamos sobres de semillas con diferentes materiales... more

Sustainable materials for plant labels

The green alternative to the plastic labels traditional... more

Multi-Slot labels

Las etiquetas Multi-Slot para plantas se acoplan a un amplio rango de macetas, evitando la...... more

Collection of themed labels - Smile

Labels to celebrate Christmas parties, birthdays, Mother's Day, thanks or tokens of love... more

Twig, support eco-labeling of plants

Support green tags plants... more

Flowerpots, containers, trays and window boxesGo back to menu
Cover Try

Customize your plant trays... more

Macetas de papel (Cupies)

Los cupies son macetas de papel laminado con atractivos diseños personalizados... more

Advertising and corporate imageGo back to menu

Carry signaling system CC - Point of Sale... more

Promoción en el punto de venta (POS)

Decoración para carrys, cartelería, GardenCards, bench wraps, lonas... en Floramedia...... more


Get to know the most flexible, fast, economical and eye-catching way of signaling the products in...... more

Banco de imágenes de Floramedia

Banco de imágenes con más de 220.000 fotografía de planta de alta calidad... more

Twig, support eco-labeling of plants

Support green tags plants... more

Web and online marketingGo back to menu

QR Codes are a link to more information about the plant... more

Books, magazines and catalogsGo back to menu
Directory Buyer

The Buyer's Guide... more