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Abelia grandiflora

Common name: Abelia

Synonyms:Abelia x grandiflora, Abelia rupestris, Abelia rupestris f. grandiflora, Abelia rupestris var. grandiflora

Type:Ornamental shrub

Nurseries and wholsalers Abelia grandiflora:Arribas Center, Barnaplant, Raíz da Terra, Viveros Ferca, Coplant Galicia, Viveros Guzmán, Plantanova, Viveros Zuaime, Veraleza, Vivercid, Viveros Ángel


The Abelia ( Abelia grandiflora ) is a shrub widely used in gardening both in public and private spaces.

It is a semi-deciduous shrub with arched and reddish branches, which reaches 1-1.5 m in height and can reach up to 3 m. The leaves are opposite, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, short petiolate, serrated margin.

The flowers are tubular, 1-1.5 cm long, white-pink, arranged in inflorescence at the ends of the slightly scented branches. The calyx remains on the plant after flowering, giving the abelia a very striking reddish colour.

Flowering occurs from spring to early fall. It is an unusual plant for its exceptionally long flowering period.


It adapts very well to cultivation, it only needs a sheltered location in areas with cold winters, soft, permeable soil, well fertilized and not calcareous, organic fertilizer in spring and autumn.

It blooms best in full sun, however in semi-shade it grows well, but flowers less.

Irrigation must be abundant in summer and moderate in spring and autumn, although it prefers abundant water, although it is resistant to lack of water.

The abelia must be pruned and it is quite important. Periodic pruning is recommended, cutting the vigorous shoots from the base, but we can lose flowering.

If we want it to have a compact or closed appearance, we will prune the main branches to half their length in winter or early spring.

Being a plant that requires regular pruning and trimming, it is necessary to properly know how to prune trees and hedges and, in addition, to have the appropriate pruning and trimming tools that do not damage the plant and enable the work to be carried out safely and correctly. It is also advisable to disinfect the tools between pruning and pruning to avoid spreading fungal diseases, among many others, since it is a plant that is sensitive to these pathologies.

It is very resistant to pests, perhaps some aphids, and diseases that are usually affected by powdery mildew.


It can be reproduced by softwood cutting during the summer or by division in the spring. For a better grip, you can place a nebulizer or place the cutting in a place with high humidity.


It can be planted alongside other species, alone and even in a pot, but it is better that it forms uniform masses or, at least, that the spots formed with it are extensive and wide.


Evergreen leafRequires abundant wateringExposure to full sunHeight: 2,5 mMaximum tolerance to cold: < -1°CFlowering month: VI-IX