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Camellia japonica

Common name: Camellia

Synonyms:Camellia bonnardi, Camellia florida, Camellia hayaoi, Camellia hozanensis, Camellia mutabilis, Camellia planipetala, Camellia sylvestris, Camellia tuckiana, Camellia wabiske, Kemelia japonica,

Type:Ornamental shrub

Nurseries and wholsalers Camellia japonica:Arribas Center, Barnaplant, Viveros Guzmán, Coplant Galicia, Viveros Sánchez, Plantanova, Veraleza, Viveros Berres, Viveros Ángel


Shrubby plant, of the Teáceas Family. Camellia is the most popular of the Genus. They can reach a size of 1 to 11 meters in height. Young branches are grayish-brown in color. It has axillary or subterminal flowers, solitary or in pairs, 6-10 cm in diameter. It is an acidophilus plant.

It should be noted that there are more than 2000 hybrids developed of Camellia japonica . The shape of the flowers can vary from red to pink and white, and sometimes with multicolored stripes and spots. They usually bloom between February and April, although some come before January.

Camellia is a very popular plant and prized for its ornamental value.


A semi-work species, native to Asia. It does not support full sun exposure.

It requires lime-free irrigation water to be able to develop.

It requires fertile, humid and deep soils. Fertilized during the growing and flowering season 1-2 times a month.

If you are not going to be able to water them properly, it is best to install a drip irrigation system. Depending on the size of the plant you can use irrigation with micro drippers or self-compensating drippers. Among other options, you can find your best drip irrigation system and have the most optimal system that guarantees the development of this plant.

It does not require any type of pruning, it is a slow growing shrub. If the shape it has acquired is not to our liking, or we want to get a more compact specimen, we will make the cuts when the flowering has finished and before the new shoots appear.


By cuttings or sowing the seeds.


Ornamental use, forming massifs, flowerbeds or in flowerpots and planters.

Shrub or seedling with large very showy flowers. Acidic soils that need to be watered with lime-free water. It does not support sunny exposures.


Evergreen leafRequires moderate wateringExposure in partial shadeHeight: 1-10 mMaximum tolerance to cold: < -1°CFlowering month: II-XI