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In Sinder, Christmas begins in April

If you want to know why April is the ideal month to start working on your Christmas assortment, keep reading because this interests you.

18/04/2024 Author: Sinder

You probably think that April has nothing to do with Christmas and that we have scored a goal for the entire squad with the title of this post. However, there is nothing further from reality. I'll tell you!

December is a chaotic month, full of sales, calls and stress. In our case, the phone doesn't stop ringing asking us about our preserved flowers. January continues with the slow pace of December. The level of work decreases in comparison, but we continue with a high volume. In February we return to our usual flow of work, and it is time to start analyzing sales data from the previous Christmas.

In this phase we are interested in going product by product to be able to determine if it has worked as we expected, if we have excess stock or if demand has exceeded our expectations.

This step is essential and requires time and patience because the result of your next Christmas campaign will largely depend on whether you have carried out this analysis correctly.

And March arrives. March is the month of reflection.

Specifically we will think about three questions:

1. What products from this year are repeated next year.

2. What references we remove from the collection.

3. What new features are we going to introduce?

We want to emphasize this last point. And, if you want your customers to perceive that your brand "is alive", you have to give a twist to your assortment.

At Sinder this year we are going to introduce 2 and 3 meter artificial Christmas trees.

When we already have our Christmas collection, we recommend that you launch a pre-sale campaign. When? In April. And this previous work that you have been doing during February and March, your clients have also done. They have fresh information and know what worked for them in the previous Christmas campaign and what didn't.

What we do is offer all our artificial plants from the Christmas collection with a 15% discount during the pre-sale . Furthermore, so that you don't have to worry about the space they may take up in your warehouse, we send them to you when we know you are going to need them.

Do you want to see our Christmas 2024 collection? Click on this link: Sinder