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Anthurium Banderola® Cava

Plant Novelty

Banderola® series is a graceful and refined segment of anthurium, ready to grow with the generation of tomorrow. The flowers resemble graceful ribbons and blend harmoniously with the leaves in a playful manner. These charming plants produce a wave of flowers. Beautiful in large pot sizes but also highly suitable for smaller sizes. Timeless elegance in the colours red and white

The white variant in this new series exudes freshness. The name Cava is fitting: this plant sparkles just like the sparkling wine it’s named after. With the exuberant bloom of the white, upright flowers and the dignified leaves, it’s a charming presence. Festive and elegant, the plant is suitable for both serene aesthetics and celebratory occasions.


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Anthurium Banderola® Cava

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Anthurium Banderola® Cava