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Anthurium Banderola® Lava

Plant Novelty

Banderola® series is a graceful and refined segment of anthurium, ready to grow with the generation of tomorrow. The flowers resemble graceful ribbons and blend harmoniously with the leaves in a playful manner. These charming plants produce a wave of flowers. Beautiful in large pot sizes but also highly suitable for smaller sizes. Timeless elegance in the colours red and white.

Banderola® Lava exudes warmth, and the ton-sur-ton colour scheme of the flower and the spathe enhances that feeling. The name Lava is chosen for a reason: as if the plant is glowing, the Lava is a fiery display. This passionate Anthurium evokes a pleasant sensation every time you pass by.


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Anthurium Banderola® Lava

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Anthurium Banderola® Lava