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A bouquet


It is a perennial plant, which according to some of its varieties, some may not be annual. Although all varieties share common traits. This plant can reach up to 70cm in height, with an upright habit. All of these have a common feature and they are tuberous roots, that is, they are bulb-shaped.


The leaves of these plants are bright, intense green, and depending on the different varieties, they can be palmate, linear or entire.

Its stems are erect, highly branched, and somewhat hairy. We can find its base swollen, bulb-shaped.


Its flowers have a wide variety of colors such as yellow, red, white, violet, etc. And depending on the variety, it happens like the leaves, they can be rosette-shaped, double, or on the contrary simple. These bloom in the spring or winter season.


Currently in our center we have two varieties, which are:

bloomingdale ranunculus

Ranunculus sprinkles


The type of soil that would be suitable for this type of plants is a sandy, loose soil. So that in this way water does not accumulate, and does not cause damage to the roots.

To all this we must add that it requires warm to temperate climates, so that the development of the plant is optimal and they can flower abundantly.


This plant is common to plant several of them in the same large pot, or otherwise group them in the garden to combine the different colors.

The best thing for this plant is to place it in semi-shaded places. Because it is the most convenient for their development.

These plants can be used on the banks of ponds, rockeries, or in the shade of trees. Having to say that they thrive much more once planted in the pots.


The Ranunculus needs exposure to light, even if it is in semi-shade. As for frost, it can resist them, but without being very frequent over time. I could withstand them up to 5ºC.



As for watering, they should be somewhat frequent over time, but as long as the soil does not become waterlogged. If this happens, the leaves of the plant can take on different colors and become sick.

Therefore, it is advisable not to waterlog or accumulate water in the soil in which the plant is located.

Sierra Bella Viveros provides OZONE (O3) to the irrigation water to obtain better plants with better roots, in addition to reducing pests and diseases. Therefore, if at home you have the possibility of watering with ozonated water, you will make your plants healthier and greener.


This is not a plant very prone to pests and diseases. You can acquire aphid pests, but you can easily kill them with some insecticide product.


The most common multiplication technique in these plants is by dividing the roots.


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Sierra Bella Viveros